EMIR Data Quality Is Now A Regulator Focus

Since the introduction of transaction reporting, firms have spent significant proportions of their compliance budget on the initial implementation and ongoing technological solutions to ensure transactions are being reported to the regulators correctly and on-time.


How to Reconcile When Trades are Reported Using the Compression Method

EMIR transaction reporting rules allow reporting entities to delegate their reporting obligations to a third party, however, the firm still remains ultimately responsible for ensuring the details of their transactions are reported correctly and accurately under Art 9(1) of EMIR.


What is an NFC-?

Entering into derivative transactions, you become a ‘counterparty’.
EMIR introduces two types of counterparties: Financial Counterparties (FC) or Non-Financial Counterparties (NFC).


Refit, Rewrite, RTS, EMIR II; Navigating the Maze of EMIR Version Names

Regulatory reporting is hard enough without the confusion over which version of each regime is the latest. EMIR has gone through a number of variations since it was first implemented in 2012. We thought it would be a great time to outline what the EMIR version names relate to and where we are currently at as we anticipate further changes to the regime.