What Platforms Does TRAction
Integrate With?

If you’re considering passing the burden of reporting over to a delegated third-party like TRAction, you’re probably wondering, “Can they connect to our current trading platform?” 

At TRAction, we understand that delegating your reporting should relieve your stress not add to it, that’s why our team ensures we can integrate with as many platforms as possible.

So, what are TRAction’s reporting integrations?

TRAction has developed direct integration solutions to assist firms using:

MetaTrader 4 & 5 (MT4/MT5)


Flextrade’s Spark EMS



Our team also handles the outputs of:

Even if your firm isn’t using one the above platforms, we still strive for seamless reporting by allowing clients to provide us their data through either:

  1. a linked server connection to your platform or back office system (direct database connection); or
  2. a daily uploaded CSV file.

Additionally, TRAction partners with oneZero to streamline the pairing and matching of Unique Transaction Identifiers (UTI) reporting obligation under EMIR. Our partnership provides a bridge between platforms, such as MT4 and MT5, and hedging counterparties/liquidity providers (LPs) enabling the creation of a shared UTI between the counterparties to a trade.

Transitioning to TRAction

TRAction’s ability to integrate with a wide range of trading platforms and back office systems your firm is using makes the transition to TRAction easy.

Simplifying trade/transaction reporting is at the core of our business and it is our job to ensure you comply with your reporting obligations under EMIR, MiFIR/MiFID II, SFTR, ASIC, MAS, Canadian Reporting and Best Execution regimes. The three key ways in which we ensure compliance include:

1. Data Extraction, Enrichment and Conversion

into the required format based on your regulatory regime and financial products.

2. We Report Trades on Your Behalf

to both Trade Repositories (TRs) and/or Approved Reporting Mechanisms (ARMs) in the relevant jursidiction(s).

3. Reporting Guidance and Support

to help clients understand their obligations and answer any questions our clients may have.

Contact Us

For information regarding TRAction’s integration services or to discuss setting up an integration with your platform please contact us below