Electricity CFDs

What Are The Reporting Obligations for Electricity Contracts-for-Difference (CFDs)?

Electricity Contracts for Difference (CFD) were introduced in the UK as part of the Electricity Market Reform implemented in the Energy Act 2013.  The aim was to incentivise investment in renewable energy and improve affordability for consumers. Electricity CFDs are concluded between a renewable generator and Low Carbon Contracts Company (LCCC), a government-owned company. These CFD contracts are awarded for a period of 15 years.

ASIC Rewrite

The Complexities of ISO 20022 XML for Transaction Reporting

ESMA went live with SFTR in accordance with the ISO 20022 XML methodology in July 2020. This is the first time an EU transaction reporting regulation went live with XML being the only format available for submission. This XML structure was created to provide an industry-wide framework to be used by all financial standards initiatives. Coming into effect in 2023, the European Markets Infrastructure Regulation (EMIR) REFIT will be adding ISO 20022

Trade Reporting

Trade Reporting for Foreign Payment/Money Transfer Providers

Globally there are a host of foreign exchange brokers which allow their customers to move currency to and from different countries and currencies. These companies are subject to different requirements based on the jurisdiction where they are based and the role they play in the market.


Reminder: RTS 28 Reports Due 30 April 2022

RTS 28 is still in force for EU and UK investment firms and must be published by 30 April 2022.

Investment firms are required to summarise and publish their top five execution venues in terms of trading volume and information on the quality of execution obtained for each class of their financial instruments