ASIC Rewrite – What Additional Information Do I Need To Report?

One of ASIC’s goals is to align the Australian reporting regime with international standards. Harmonising the data collected according to the critical data elements introduced in the CDE Guidance aims to improve data quality for sharing between regulators globally.

UTI Matching with oneZero

UTI Matching through oneZero

Under EMIR, the information stemming from the dual-sided reporting obligation must be reconciled via the pairing and matching of both legs of the derivative trade by trade repositories.

ASIC Consultation

Change to ASIC Derivative Reporting Gets Closer to Finalisation

ASIC is stepping closer to its final version of reform to its reporting requirements for derivative transactions. Further details of their proposals have been outlined in ASIC’s second Consultation Paper (CP) Proposed Changes to simplify the ASIC Derivative Transaction Rules (Reporting) 2013, incorporating further changes after its first round of consultation released in November 2020.

Trade Reporting

Trade Reporting for Foreign Payment/Money Transfer Providers

Globally there are a host of foreign exchange brokers which allow their customers to move currency to and from different countries and currencies. These companies are subject to different requirements based on the jurisdiction where they are based and the role they play in the market.