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What is meant by T+1 reporting?
The T stands for transaction date, which is the day the transaction takes place. The number 1 denotes how many days after the transaction date the initial report of the transaction must be submitted to a Trade Repository. In effect, the report must be submitted no later than the working day following the event.
Counterparties which are subject to reporting obligations may delegate reporting, however it must be ensured that there is no reporting duplication. When counterparties delegate reporting, they retain the responsibility for the accuracy and timely submission of the reports.
A Legal Entity Identifier (or LEI), is a unique 20-character code that identifies distinct legal entities that engage in financial transactions.
The reporting of derivative transactions to TRs under ASIC, EMIR and MiFIR requires an LEI.
There are a number of reporting regimes including EMIR, MiFID II/MiFIR, SFTR and Best Execution, all of which affect Investment Firms (IFs) in different ways. Read more to see the regulatory reporting required by IFs.