ASIC OTC Derivatives Trade Reporting Pricing Schedule - Retail brokers (ORRS)

Set-up Fees
Initial set up cost$0
Ongoing Fees
Monthly Account Management Fee$350
Number of Open Positions / Trades at EOMCost per position in tier
0 – 100$6.70
101 – 1,000$3.90
1,001 – 10,000 $1.00
10,001 – 30,000$0.10
30,001 – 100,000$0.05

ORRS Clients – As classified by DTCC

(a) ORRS is available for reporting trades from Margin Forex and CFD brokers with primary business
models providing OTC platforms trading in micro lots to retail clients for which a Product
Disclosure Statement (PDS) is issued.

(b) Counterparties on ORRS reported positions are predominantly retail investors with no ASIC
reporting obligation, with small allowance made for institutional facing hedge positions (“Prime of
Prime”) trades.

Note: All amounts are expressed in Australian dollars and are exclusive of GST (as referred to in A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999 (Cth)), consumption tax, value added tax or similar tax, which will be charged to (and payable by) the User where applicable.


To find out more information about TRAction’s services in other jurisdictions please contact us on +61 2 8960 7248 or [email protected].