ASIC OTC Derivatives Trade Reporting Pricing Schedule – Standard Delegated

Set-up Fees
Initial set up cost$0
Ongoing Fees
Monthly Account Management Fee $2000$0*
No client DTCC account required
Number of Open Positions / Trades at EOMCost per position in tier-
0 – 100 $6.50-
101 – 1,000 $3.75-
1,001 +$2.25-
Add-on Fees (optional)
Delegated reporting including LEI management
(per reporting entity, monthly)

Note: All amounts are expressed in Australian dollars and are exclusive of GST (as referred to in A New Tax System
(Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999 (Cth)), consumption tax, value added tax or similar tax, which will be charged to (and
payable by) the User where applicable.

* DTCC fees are not payable under this delegated plan type.

To find out more information about TRAction’s services in other jurisdictions please contact us on +61 2 8960 7248 or [email protected].