Reminder: RTS 28 Reports Due 30 April 2022

RTS 28 is still in force for EU and UK investment firms and must be published by 30 April 2022.

Investment firms are required to summarise and publish their top five execution venues in terms of trading volume and information on the quality of execution obtained for each class of their financial instruments

Investor Protection

ESMA’s Regulatory Reporting Outlook for 2022

Every year the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) outlines its priorities for the following year in its annual work programme (AWP). With ESMA’s new powers and responsibilities, growth in staff numbers and changes in senior management, the AWP for 2022 was developed at a time of significant change for ESMA.

Football player

Are Football Player CFDs reportable?

Football enthusiasts can now trade football-based contracts for difference (CFDs), turning passion into profit, but what are the regulatory implications for brokers offering these products to their clients?

3 Common EMIR Errors

The 3 Most Common EMIR Reporting Errors

We’ve identified the 3 most common errors in the data we receive from our clients: NonReportingPartyCountry field populated with invalid country code, UTI reused for a new trade and invalid LEIs used.