Daylight Saving Time Starts in Europe and the UK

Red alarm clock, EU flag and UK flag. Daylight saving time EU/UK

Most European countries alongside the UK will need to turn their clocks forward by 1 hour this Sunday, 31 March 2024. While you enjoy the sun and longer days, you will also need to check that the time settings in your trade/transaction reporting are correct.

FCA Market Watch 81 – UK MiFID transaction reporting

The FCA has identified that there are still transaction reports that are being submitted incomplete and inaccurate.  Although there has been an improvement in data quality since 2018 which has continued in a positive direction as more firms are acting to improve their transaction report data quality, there is more work to be done by firms. The […]

MiFID III and MiFIR 2 (Amendments to MiFID II and MiFIR)

What is it? The latest update to the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID II), being the regulatory framework for financial markets in the European Union (EU). As it is a fairly major update the industry sometimes calls it “MiFID III” or “MiFID 3”. Why? The European Parliament sums up the intent behind the amendments […]

TRAction & Duco: Enhanced Data Solutions, Trade Reporting

TRAction has partnered with Duco, the AI platform for enterprise data automation, to provide its clients with reconciliation services. As part of TRAction’s updated service offerings which commenced in 2024, clients on EMIR and MiFIR Premium and Assured plans will receive reconciliations as part of their service. This will involve a three-way reconciliation which compares […]

How Do Public Holidays and Bank Holidays Impact Trade Reporting?

Public holidays and bank holidays can have a major impact on trade and transaction reporting requirements; especially if you are an entity operating under multiple regimes.  

When there is a public holiday where the regulatory body (or regulated entity) is located, it is likely that the timing of report submissions will be extended commensurately.

Payment for Order Flow (PFOF)

PFOF is a form of compensation that a brokerage firm receives for directing orders for trade execution to a particular market maker or exchange. Wholesale market makers have leveraged the almost exclusive use of electronic trading by retail investors to pay brokerages for the right to execute orders coming from their clients.

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