Best Execution

Payment for Order Flow (PFOF)

PFOF is a form of compensation that a brokerage firm receives for directing orders for trade execution to a particular market maker or exchange. Wholesale market makers have leveraged the almost exclusive use of electronic trading by retail investors to pay brokerages for the right to execute orders coming from their clients.


We All Know About EMIR Refit But What About The Next MiFIR Changes?

EMIR Refit has been receiving a lot of press recently with its upcoming changes to the format of reporting and additional data elements.  Alongside this, ESMA has been working on changes to MiFIR  given that the regime commenced over five years ago.

MiFIR Reconciliation

MiFIR Reconciliation

As part of MiFIR/UK MiFIR, Investment Firms should have arrangements in place to regularly reconcile their front office transactions against data samples provided by their National Competent Authority (NCA).