EMIR Data Quality Is Now A Regulator Focus

Since the introduction of transaction reporting, firms have spent significant proportions of their compliance budget on the initial implementation and ongoing technological solutions to ensure transactions are being reported to the regulators correctly and on-time.

Best Execution Best Practices

At its core, best execution is about outlining a set of rules and practices that require authorised financial services firms to seek the best possible result for their clients when executing their orders. The factors that need to be monitored encompass more than just price.

Do UK NFCs Trading With an Offshore Broker Inherit Their Reporting Responsibility?

Article 9(1)(a) UK EMIR requires non-financial counterparties (NFCs) who benefit from mandatory delegated reporting when trading derivatives with a financial counterparty (FC) to report both sides of their trades with NFC- entities, unless the NFC- entity has specifically requested otherwise. This reduces the burden on smaller non-financial counterparties.

Digital Option Reportability

A digital option is an instrument which allows traders to manually set the strike price and expiration date by taking a position with only two possible outcomes and a fixed payout. In order to profit, the price of a security must exceed the predetermined strike price.

How Are Repurchase Agreements Reported for SFTR?

A repurchase agreement (repo) is a form of short-term secured loan where one party sells securities to another and agrees to repurchase those securities later at a higher price with the securities serving as collateral for the borrower.

Corporate Actions and Trade Reporting

Corporate actions bring about material changes to an organisation and impact its stakeholders, including both stock and debt holders. To be implemented, the decision generally needs to be approved by the company’s board of directors, the shareholders or both as the corporate action directly affects the securities issued by the company.

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