Daylight Saving Time Starts in Europe and the UK

Red alarm clock, EU flag and UK flag. Daylight saving time EU/UK

Most European countries alongside the UK will need to turn their clocks forward by 1 hour this Sunday, 31 March 2024. While you enjoy the sun and longer days, you will also need to check that the time settings in your trade/transaction reporting are correct.

How do the end of year holidays affect your trade reporting?

Public holidays and bank holidays can have a major impact on trade and transaction reporting requirements, especially if you are an entity operating under multiple regimes.   When there is a public holiday where the regulatory body (or regulated entity) is located, it is likely that the timing of report submissions will be extended commensurately. […]

Daylight Saving Time for New York Ends this Weekend

Daylight savings ends in New York Sunday 3 November 2024

Are you reporting trades by New York (NY) time or following NY close of business? If so, it is important to check your trades/transactions are still reported at the correct time since daylight saving time (DST) ends in the US this weekend (5 November 2023).

Negotiating Favourable Prime Brokerage Agreements

Recently TRAction’s co-CEO Sophie Gerber spoke at Finance Magnates Pacific Summit 2024 in Sydney, alongside other industry experts Andrew Wood (Institutional Sales Manager – IG Prime), Martin St-Hilaire (Managing Director – Titan FX), and Astrid Raetze (Principal and Director – ABML Legal). The panel features insightful discussions about the following topics: Differences between Liquidity Providers, […]

The Complexities of ISO 20022 XML for Transaction Reporting

The Complexities of ISO 20022 XML for Transaction Reporting

ESMA went live with SFTR in accordance with the ISO 20022 XML methodology in July 2020. This is the first time an EU transaction reporting regulation went live with XML being the only format available for submission. This XML structure was created to provide an industry-wide framework to be used by all financial standards initiatives. Coming into effect in 2023, the European Markets Infrastructure Regulation (EMIR) REFIT will be adding ISO 20022

ASIC Rewrite – What Additional Information Do I Need To Report?

Rewrite What Additional Information Do I Need To Report

One of ASIC’s goals is to align the Australian reporting regime with international standards. Harmonising the data collected according to the critical data elements introduced in the CDE Guidance aims to improve data quality for sharing between regulators globally.

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