Daylight Saving Time Starts in Europe and the UK

Most European countries alongside the UK will need to turn their clocks forward by 1 hour this Sunday, 31 March 2024. While you enjoy the sun and longer days, you will also need to check that the time settings in your trade/transaction reporting are correct.
Valuation method – UK EMIR

Settlement currency 1 & 2 – UK EMIR

Reminder: Daylight Saving Time for New York Starts This Weekend

Are you reporting trades by New York (NY) time or following NY close of business? If so, it is important to check your trades/transactions are still reported at the correct time now that daylight saving time (DST) has started in the US (13 March 2022).
Valuation currency – UK EMIR

Asset class – UK EMIR


Prior UTI (for one-to-one and one-to-many relations between transactions)


Product classification – UK EMIR