How Do Public Holidays and Bank Holidays Impact Trade Reporting?

Public holidays and bank holidays can have a major impact on trade and transaction reporting requirements; especially if you are an entity operating under multiple regimes.  

When there is a public holiday where the regulatory body (or regulated entity) is located, it is likely that the timing of report submissions will be extended commensurately.

What is UPI+?

The commonly used identifier amongst the European regulators, the International Securities Identification Number (ISIN) has traditionally played a crucial role across various regimes.

ASIC Final Rules for OTC Derivatives Transaction Reporting

After two consultation papers over more than two years, ASIC has released their final package of updated Derivatives Transaction Rules. ASIC’s reporting rules are being harmonised to global standards. ASIC has taken industry feedback into consideration and announced there will be a consolidated release to a single update, called the ASIC Derivative Transaction Rules (Reporting) 2024 […]

Trade Reporting for Foreign Payment/Money Transfer Providers

Globally there are a host of foreign exchange brokers which allow their customers to move currency to and from different countries and currencies. These companies are subject to different requirements based on the jurisdiction where they are based and the role they play in the market.

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