Do You Need to Report (MiFIR) Trade Time in Milliseconds?

When reporting transactions to regulatory bodies, there are variations in the data format that is required from region to region.  An example of this difference is the accuracy of the timestamp that is deemed acceptable. Under MiFID II/ MiFIR,milliseconds are required in an attempt to increase the transparency and detail of the information passed to the regulator.

Trade Reporting for Foreign Payment/Money Transfer Providers

Globally there are a host of foreign exchange brokers which allow their customers to move currency to and from different countries and currencies. These companies are subject to different requirements based on the jurisdiction where they are based and the role they play in the market.

FAQ: Bilateral Margining Cash Collateral be Reported for Repos under SFTR?

There has been a lack of clarity in bilateral margin reporting for repo transactions from their trade level collateral in accordance with the Global Master Repurchase Agreement (GMRA). The European Repo and Collateral Council (ERCC) division of the International Capital Market Association (ICMA) has worked closely to release a guide to best practice in the […]

Reminder: RTS 28 Reports Due 30 April 2022

RTS 28 is still in force for EU and UK investment firms and must be published by 30 April 2022.

Investment firms are required to summarise and publish their top five execution venues in terms of trading volume and information on the quality of execution obtained for each class of their financial instruments

Using reporting to improve business processes and revenue

Often firms view complying with regulation as an obligation to avoid penalties and fines. However, have you considered how compliance can not only improve your business processes but add to your revenue as well? In this article, we will step you through the various ways in which you can use your regulatory reporting data to benefit your business.

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