Meet the team
Justin Blake
Developer Resources Manager
Justin is focused on streamlining and integrating our systems with those used by our clients in order to simplify their reporting. This includes trading platforms, back office software, databases, CRMs and any other system holding data required for trade and transaction reporting. With over two decades of experience in IT and software development, Justin’s competencies encompass a wide range of disciplines from software design and development to trading systems and analysis.

More about Justin...
When asked to describe himself in three words, Justin responded with:
“A featherless biped” – yes, we too had to Google this and we inarguably agree with Justin here.
How did Justin find himself at TRAction?
“I had actually known Quinn and Sophie for many years and had worked with them previously. I was happy to have the opportunity to work with them again.” he states.
It’s no surprise Justin has “always enjoyed computers and studied software development.” However, what is surprising is “working in finance wasn’t really a conscious choice” for Justin. Nevertheless, he has worked in the field for quite some time and has come to understand it very well.
Some of Justin’s responsibilities…
Justin explains, “The majority of my role is focused on streamlining and integrating our systems with those used by our clients in order to simplify their reporting. This includes trading platforms, back office software, databases, CRMs and any other system holding data required for trade and transaction reporting.” With over two decades of experience in IT and software development, Justin’s competencies encompass a wide range of disciplines from software design and development to trading systems and analysis.

What are the most enjoyable aspects of Justin’s role?
Justin loves to come up with clever solutions to problems – he finds “getting an elegant little piece of code working well can be very satisfying”.
Away from the office…
“I like to get away from everything when I can. Going for a nice long motorcycle ride, drive or bushwalk does a great job of clearing your head”.
Justin owns four motorcycles, an eighties supercar, a motorboat and a large amount of hiking and camping gear. Like most of us, the only problem Justin has is finding the time to put everything to good use.

If given the opportunity to go anywhere in the world, Justin would…
Lucky Justin tells us, “thanks to my work I have had the opportunity to see a lot of the places I had previously wanted to see. Of those I have not seen yet, I would most like to see Japan, in particular Kyoto”. So anyone needing reporting of their Japanese trades sounds like they will get a lot of attention from Justin!
Fun facts about Justin…
Quite interestingly, when Justin left school, he wanted to become an actor and studied acting for two years.
To wrap up, what is Justin’s favourite quote and/or advice?
“That which we achieve too easily, we esteem too lightly.” – Thomas Paine