Get your UK EMIR backloading done before 30 September 2024

Get your UK EMIR backloading done before 30 September 2024 featured image

Get your UK EMIR backloading done before 30 September 2024 UK EMIR Refit comes into effect on 30 September 2024. TRAction recommends that reporting entities should do any UK EMIR backloading before this date, otherwise they may have trouble getting old data to meet the UK EMIR Refit format. UTI – UK EMIR Refit adopts […]

Now live – Pairing and matching under EMIR Refit

Pairing and matching under EMIR refit

EMIR Trade Repositories (TRs) have now started giving reporting entities feedback on their pairing and matching status in the form of an end of day report in respect of the new EMIR Refit.TRAction explores the process undertaken by the LSEG Regulatory Reporting TR. What is pairing and matching? Pairing is the process where the TR […]

What Do Reported Trades in Australia Say About Our Brokerage?

What do reported trades in Australia say about our brokerage?

Under ASIC’s Reporting Rules, most Australian margin FX and CFD brokers are Reporting Entities that are required to report their transactions as they are considered to be over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives.

We take a look at what a trade repository or ASIC can surmise about your business from the data they receive.