What is an NFC-?

Entering into derivative transactions, you become a ‘counterparty’.
EMIR introduces two types of counterparties: Financial Counterparties (FC) or Non-Financial Counterparties (NFC).

How Are Repurchase Agreements Reported for SFTR?

Repo Agreements

A repurchase agreement (repo) is a form of short-term secured loan where one party sells securities to another and agrees to repurchase those securities later at a higher price with the securities serving as collateral for the borrower.

Refit, Rewrite, RTS, EMIR II; Navigating the Maze of EMIR Version Names

Regulatory reporting is hard enough without the confusion over which version of each regime is the latest. EMIR has gone through a number of variations since it was first implemented in 2012. We thought it would be a great time to outline what the EMIR version names relate to and where we are currently at as we anticipate further changes to the regime.